
From Physical Stores to Digital Presence and Vice Versa

In this world of technology and digitization, we often notice physical brands that decide to start having an online presence in order to reach a larger audience. However, this time we will go the opposite way: what are the reasons behind digitally native brands deciding to implement a physical footprint?

In recent years, digital brands have grown remarkably as a large portion of the market became even more tech-savvy due to the pandemic. As we discussed in other articles, new digital marketing strategies were implemented, such as presence in social networks, interactive advertisements, informative newsletters, among others, in order to take advantage of digitization. However, after all these changes and adaptations to the online modality, many retailers decided to expand into physical locations. One of the most striking aspects is that, in many cases, most profits come from physical stores.

After all these changes and adaptations to the online modality, many retailers decided to expand into physical locations

In fact, nowadays it is rare to find successful online stores without a physical store. This is due to several reasons. One of the main ones is the cost. In an environment where more and more brands are online, competing for customers through the same digital channels, digital marketing costs have risen to unsuspected amounts. As a direct consequence, customer acquisition is expected to represent increasingly higher costs. That is why, in an effort to differentiate from the competition, many retailers have turned to physical locations.

Undoubtedly, another important aspect that helped retailers decide on brick-and-mortar stores is customer experience. Although it is possible to offer innovative and highly creative experiences on websites and online stores, it is indisputable that physical stores allow to offer a much wider range of sensations. Being able to personally interact with your favourite brand or with a new brand and learn about the products or services it offers through a full sensory experience is the best way to ensure that it meets your expectations and needs.

In an effort to differentiate from the competition, many retailers have turned to physical locations

In this sense, the possibilities are endless: from trying skincare products while listening to relaxation music in order to get the gist of the services offered by a spa, to tasting the most exotic flavoured chocolates from a chocolate shop, all are customised real time experiences that customers will always remember.

Although it is possible to offer innovative and highly creative experiences on websites and online stores, it is indisputable that physical stores allow to offer a much wider range of sensations

Unique experiences are what set us apart from the competition. Customers will always prefer a brand that shows them how important and special they are, and they will appreciate the effort brands make to meet all their needs in the best possible way. For this reason, it is fundamental to combine an online presence with physical stores, always implementing a customer-focused strategy that makes them feel unique and special.

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